6 Weeks to Self Love

A self-paced healing journey to forgive your past and embrace your highest self.

In 6 weeks the program focuses on the 7 energy centers of the body, aligning our Chakras while connecting to your higher power. With prayer, crystal sound therapy, meditation, light-hearted lectures, and personal development exercises, each lesson is structured towards the deepest healing needs of women living in today’s chaotic world. Our intention is for you to gain the tools to heal your relationship with yourself and the world around you. At the end of this course you will have:

  • Stronger coping skills
  • Enhanced communication skills
  • Clear goals for all aspects of life  
  • An execution plan to follow your goals
  • A deepened connection with God/ Higher Power
  • Clear boundaries
  • Freedom from old patterns and stories 
  • Closure from relationships
  • Elevated Confidence
  • Enhanced intuition
  • Trust in your decisions 
  • A clear template of your individual  life’s rules and  laws 
  • ELEVATED SELF WORTH           


 This program is a sacred and safe space for women who feel they have to be strong, this is a space where we can be soft and vulnerable. This is where the healing takes place! 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome Syllabus

    • Welcome!

    • Week 1 - Intentional Introduction

    • Week 2 - Loving what we have, brings more of what we want!

    • Week 3 - Big Queen Energy

    • Week 4- Open Heart

    • Week 5- Speaking Your Truth

    • Week 6- I Validate MYSELF

    • Need help?

  • 2

    Intro Part 1: Chakras 101

    • Chakras 101

    • Chakras Diagram

    • Chakra Cards- Information, Mantras and Journal Prompts

    • Need help?

  • 3

    Intro Part 2: Spiritual Tools

    • Suggested Course Materials

    • Suggested Course Materials PDF

    • Need help?

  • 4

    Session 1

    • Session 1- Intentional Introduction

    • Session 1 - Rooted

    • Wheel of Life - How would you rate these areas of your life with 1 being very bad and 10 being AMAZING? (Be sure to note or screenshot all answers to save for your records, unfortunately you will not be able to go back and revist your answers)

    • Set an Intention

    • Root Chakra

    • Need help?

  • 5

    Session 2

    • Session 2 - Gratitude

    • Session 2 - Be a Human Thank You

    • Sacral Chakra

    • Gratitude Worksheet

    • Fearless-ish

    • Need help?

  • 6

    Session 3

    • Session 3- I am Worthy

    • Session 3 - Teaching Others How to Treat You, Leading By Example

    • Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Gospel Example

    • Gospel template

    • What can you begin doing now to live within your GOSPEL?

    • This may be a good time to take a break!

    • Need help?

  • 7

    Session 4

    • Session 4- Open Heart

    • Session 4 - I Release Old Patterns

    • Heart Chakra

    • What can you release? (Be sure to note or screenshot all answers to save for your records, unfortunately you will not be able to go back and revist your answers)

    • Need help?

  • 8

    Session 5

    • Session 5- Speak Your Truth

    • Breathe!

    • Session 5 - I Said What I Said

    • Throat Chakra

    • Remember Your Gospel?

    • Quiz

    • Homework

    • Ikigai

    • Need help?

  • 9

    Session 6

    • Session 6- I Validate Myself


    • Third Eye Chakra

    • Crown Chakra

    • Need help?


Click & Drag to read more testimonials

Kristy Holt

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

I can’t say enough about Monique’s 6 week coaching program. Words don’t do her program or her beautiful soul justice. She worked with me and truly transformed my life. I was already accomplished, but that doesn’t mean anything when you don’t value your worth or have complete confidence in your value. I bring so much to the table in all aspects of my life, and Monique helped me to realize that fact.I have grown spiritually, and for me, that’s enough! You don’t know how much you can prosper and hold happiness in your space when you’re in tune with your spirituality. I learned about Chakras and how to recognize/remedy any blockages. I’ve learned how to demand my worth, set healthy boundaries, and how to put myself first in all aspects of my life.She was always available to me and guided me through finding my life’s purpose.

Tiffany Morgan


Mo served as the light to a path I desperately needed to find. I was at a very very low point in my life when I met Mo. It seemed like everything was going wrong. I felt like I was wandering around aimlessly in the dark. I knew her program would require work and I was so run down I didn’t believe I could do what was required to be successful. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that Mo talked some major sense into me and thus I decided to join. She gave me the spark I needed to bet on myself, to believe in myself, to invest in myself, and ultimately to love myself!! Her program is invaluable. She’s given me my life back! The tools I’ve learned will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Tess Holt

Non-Profit Director

This was the best decision that I’ve made for my emotional health in 2020!! My mindset has changed, my attitude is positive, and am seeing results in my life! I’ve met a great group of women as well as an awesome life coach Mo has helped me make healthier decisions and am continuing on my path to self-healing! Would definitely recommend this course! Money well spent‼️

Brandi Aulston

Founder of Hike & Heal

I was extremely interested and excited to work with a fellow Philly girl like myself! My biggest takeaway was the structure of learning along with the chakras. I was intrigued by chakras but they always seemed unattainable to learn and digest. However, Monique's approach and learning tools were simplistic and achievable. Practicing and focusing on each chakra allowed me to be more present within myself. I have grown so much, made beautiful connections, and developed more confidence and boundaries. So happy I invested in myself with a healing and powerful program. I have so much gratitude for Mo sharing her gifts and talents in a meaningful & genuine way!

Tiffany Jackson

Artist & Author

The 6 weeks to self-love program was one of the biggest investments I've made in my personal growth to date and it was worth every penny. In this course, I not only tapped into the creative power that I had been blocking for so long, but I also met an incredible group of women who have supported and nurtured my growth as well as invested in my dreams and endeavors. Monique has truly created a curriculum and an environment for women to thrive and come face to face with the woman they were created to be. Her passion and dedication is not only felt but seen in the lives of the women she coaches and the community that lasts long after the program has completed. I'm so very thankful for all that she and this program have helped me to achieve and the amazing friends and sisterhood that I've developed along the way.

Kimyette Saunders

RN & Owner of SauBou Inc

Let me first start by saying that when I met Monique Doughty at a Nurse Summit in Raleigh, NC, I immediately felt the connection and knew that She was someone whom I needed to work with. The liveliness and passion that she brought were so captivating. After listening to her speak, I could feel the intuitive gift that she offered along with the presentation of pureness. At the session breakout, I went directly to her to find out how I could learn more. Now after taking the 6 weeks to Self-Love Coaching course, I was reassured that I made the right decision. I came out knowing more about myself, falling in love with ME more than ever. My perception of life and what I have to offer has completely changed. I knew that I had a gift, but it was not until after working with Mo that I realized the full potential of my gift to the world. I will always be grateful for Monique, her gifts, and her insight. She will pull it out of you! Monique showed me the steps to take to become fully immersed in my purpose, pouring into others. I will not spill the beans on the ins and outs of her program but rest assured, it is well worth it. I went from working for someone else to total freedom!

Alicia B

RN & Founder of Pretty Parenting

I signed up to attend a 6-week coaching program with Nurse Mo and it was one of the best investments I’ve made in myself in a long time. Mo was very transparent and genuinely interested in providing the group with the skills needed to succeed in health, love, freedom, and success. She provided helpful tools that I can use daily to invest back into myself and that will ultimately lead me to do things that are important to me in my life. She even gave me insight on how to look into my resources; from her suggestions, I realized that I can eventually get a nanny that will be useful in me being able to practice abundant self-care and rebalance my energy so that I am a better, well-rested, mom for my boys. I cannot thank Mo enough for being willing to invest in women that she has never met.

Course Flow

Week 1


Topic: Intention Setting 

Mantra: I am Strong and Supported

Energy Center: Root Chakra 

Focus: In session 1 we focus on intention setting and laying the framework for our work together. A visualization meditation will assist you to begin to set energy into motion, creating intentions behind an action will lead to many favorable outcomes. Our visualization practice is applicable to every area of our lives and can be used post-session to manifest the heart’s desires. Our root chakra work will be focused on releasing external sources of security and safety to create a clear understanding that all we need is within. We will authentically find what each individual truly needs to feel grounded, safe, and secure. The session will close with a guided meditation, sound healing, and affirmations centered around feeling safe, stable, secure.

Week 2

Loving what we have, brings more of what we want!

Topic: The Attitude of Gratitude 

Mantra: I am the creator of my entire reality 

Energy Center: Sacral Chakra 

Focus:  This session will be centered around ways to say THANK YOU to our lives,  introducing you to ways to practice truly honoring your blessings. Our Sacral Chakra work will be all about tapping into creativity through removing the programmed guilt that many of you may have regarding pleasure, we are allowed to do things just because we enjoy them.  We will discuss ways to balance the sacral chakra through dance, sacred sexuality, and finding a hobby that you find genuine pleasure in. We will be enhancing our creativity and overall pleasure, leaving us all with a heightened sense of excitement for our lives.  The session will close with sound healing, guided meditation, and affirmations to enhance your overall sense of pleasure for yourself and the world around you.

Week 3


Topic: Setting Life Standards

Mantra: I am worthy of pursuing my passion and purpose 

Energy Center: Solar Plexus Chakra

Focus: This is the Holy grail of the program when we make what we want REALITY!!
Do you ever feel like everyone has you all messed up? Like people just are disrespectful, maybe a bit invasive, maybe you feel like you are always rushing to work,  never truly getting your “me time”, feeling unmotivated in your home, or overextended in your work life. This session shifts all of those vibes, in this session you will set new life rules and requirements, your “Gospel” will be created to raise standards of your unique requirements for environments, relationships, work, and downtime.  This practice has been a favorite and a major life-changer for all of our tribe members, not only has it changed the way we treat ourselves but this also raises the vibration of how we allow others to treat us. Our energy work for this session is our Solar Plexus Chakra which is our Beyonce chakra - confidence and knowing who we are, this session will involve the Lady Boss, owner, and Creator of Stylishspirit.Co and hopeful romantic  Michelle Savage to act as an example for this practice. The session will close with a guided meditation, sound healing, and affirmations to enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Week 4

Topic: Let Go To Love 

Mantra: To love, to feel love & to be loved.

Energy Center: Heart Chakra

Focus: This session is a challenging one for many, in order to heal a wound we must first recognize that it exists. In this session we explore the beautiful art of non-attachment; nothing or no one truly belongs to you. I discuss the core elements of healthy love and finding balance. 

In this session, we dive into areas of heartbreak and find the lessons in past relationships, a unique process of exploring old patterns to find what no longer aligns. Additionally, we discuss areas of ourselves that we see as easy to love and parts of ourselves that are harder to love, with the intention to love all of who we are! This session will encourage you to find new ways to show yourself love.
The Gospel created from the previous lesson will assist you in getting clear on what types of relationships you desire to manifest into your lives. Creating space in our hearts for healthy love is key and this is happening more fluidly when we fall completely in love with all of ourselves. From consistent work on this chakra, you will also notice a shift in others around you, through your words and actions with self those around you are being taught how to treat you.
This session closes with a forgiveness meditation, heart chakra sound healing, and affirmations for unconditional love. 

Week 5

Topic: I Said What I Said

Mantra: I am in alignment with my truth, I speak with clarity and intention

Energy Center: Throat Chakra 

Focus: At this point in the program, we will all have a clear understanding of what we truly desire as individuals and what environments, associations, and relationships no longer meet our needs. With a clear understanding of who and what does not meet our gospel I will teach you techniques to set boundaries, with lovers, family, coworkers,  employees, employers, and friends. Through our throat chakra work, we will learn to express our needs clearly and effectively with love and respect for ourselves and others. This session will also assist in helping you to voice your purpose and career path.

Week 6

Topic: Honoring Your Intuitions: Learning To Ask Yourself Before Asking Others

Mantra: I trust that I am making all of the right decisions.

Energy Centers: The Crown and The Brow 

Focus: In our final week we confidently work through our unique purpose chart, Ikagai.  All members who complete the pression course work will leave the course with an action plan for the continued building of a life they are madly in love with. In our chakra work, we will release the need to seek external validation, we will let go of needing the approval of others  and begin to trust that we are making all of the right decisions by turning inward. Trusting ourselves requires a spiritual connection and in this session I will assist you in connecting to your higher power who is an endless well of support. You will leave this course with a heightened sense of trust for yourself and your decisions, feeling protected and supported.

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