Monique Doughty

Self Love & Mindset, Monique Doughty, BSN, RN is also known as “Nurse Mo”. Monique grew up in Philadelphia, PA, USA, and is currently living her dream life on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.  Monique describes her purpose in a clear and direct manner:

“I teach women to spiritually love and honor themselves. Once you have love for yourself, all aspects of your world improve: relationships, finances, family, career, health, money, and fun. My work has created transformational changes in the lives of women from all different walks of life yet my teachings are custom-designed for the healing of black women. For years society has taught us not to love ourselves. It’s time for new programming.”

Monique has a 9-year history as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. After becoming a travel nurse in 2014, her journey of self-discovery began. She developed a new excitement for life and learned the value of caring for herself: mind, body, and spirit. 


Monique retired from nursing at the age of 30 years old and has since transitioned her career from being a bedside nurse to a full-time entrepreneur, motivational speaker, digital influencer, travel host, and mindset coach.  

Throughout her work, Monique motivates and provides tools for her audience and clients to design the lives they love. She asks her clients to reflect on one simple question: “What do I deserve?” She encourages those facing adversity to use their voice as a way of discovering their unlimited nature. This is the first step towards resiliency. 

6 Weeks is for all women who need a push towards fearlessly believing in their self-worth and power. Monique believes in women doing the work and going deep in order to explore the complacency or fears holding them back. Only then can women move towards love and expand to their fullest potential. 

To find out more about Monique, visit